Tea Appreciation and Plantation Visit

The Tea appreciation program was introduced at the Handunugoda Tea estate to raise interest and awareness in Tea culture, which is an integral part of our Sri Lankan hospitality and Heritage, However, this art should not be limited to us Asians; in our multi-racial society, all guests are welcome and encouraged to share in the beauty of Tea.Through our program, we educate our guests and expose them to the origins and specifics of tea through a comprehensive and engaging hands-on experience, guided by our highly trained staff.

Followed by a guided tea plantation visit offered to all visitors at No Cost, and at the end the guests are treated to a complimentary luscious cake and a pot of tea at the proprietor’s bungalow. There are Innumerable Teas to be sipped, swirled and allowed to seduce the senses. Latest tea product is named after the plantation owner’s bestselling book ‘The Suicide Club’ – without giving the story away – one can taste the whiskey and smell the oversized cigars as it takes to few generations to a totally different way of life. Visitors keen to purchase tea gets a chance to buy these priceless teas at the tea shop.

You are welcome any day of the week between 8.00 AM and 4.30 PM.

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